February 14, 2011

Stupid Cupid.

"I need to hear those words you used to tell me,
From way back when we were just friends,
Before this love affair began..."
-Toni Braxton-

I don't know what the fuss is all about. Why people are making a big deal out of Valentine's day. Apart from Muslims are not supposed to celebrate it for religious reasons (thanks to various articles about it posted everywhere, if only people are as enthusiastic about every other important issues too and not only Vday, the world would be a better place) I have a problem with the motive behind the celebration itself.

A day to celebrate love? Shouldn't love be celebrated every day?

Okei it's fine if you want to dedicate a special day for it, for me i think husbands and wives all over the world should have their own special day for that. It could be the first time you go out on a date together, or something special that only both of you know bout it, or it could be a monthly thing or simply when u kiss your husband one morning and say hey i think we should celebrate our love today.

I think that would be less cliche, more original, and very exciting, no?

And anyway, shouldn't 14th of March makes more sense to celebrate love? You know,
i love you.


February 4, 2011

Any Other World.

its nice to see friends visiting friends who is studying overseas (read: Tokyo, London, Ireland, Australia) because now is the time, you can save up on accommodation and you got tour guides for free too.

its sad to know that no one wants to come over here but that's totally understandable because hey,
I don't wanna be here either :(

February 3, 2011

Love Letters In The Sand.

Things to do on a holiday :

This is my big box of memories. Okei fine its not that big. But still, this is where i keep alllll the birthday cards, the Raya cards, the goodluck cards, the letters, and the postcards that I got over the years.

I even have cards dated as far back as my school years, which was like donkey years ago :-"

So hari ni holiday, after spending quality time with Mr. Bed, i thought of going through my treasure box. Sitting on the floor, with Celine Dion singing, and the rain drizzling outside, it was just like in the movies :-"

It would have been much nicer to have a grandchild sitting beside me though, so that I could show him/her some of these stuff Granny had all these years and say something like this (in Texan slang if u please) "You remember your uncle X?....No, no, not the one with the Ferarri... Yes the fat bald unsuccessful one who dropped by last Raya... Grandmama used to have a huge schoolgirl crush on him last time. He gave me this greetin' card, right before he broke my heart.... Well, yeah, it may be hard to believe but he used to be a real hottie back then."

or something like that ;)

This was a postcard I got from my Aunty in Germany, dated 2006. She said that the picture on this card, is just how she always think of me when I decided to become a doctor :))

I treasure every little thing. What can I say, I'm a sentimental girl. So you can be rest assured that whatever little thing you gave me, If you mean the world to me, I would keep it forever. I have movie stubs for "Superman Returns" from four years ago. I have the sweet letter my sister wrote to me when I had to go away for boarding school. I have the little note Nabilah wrote to me when I had to come here. I have short stories I wrote and can't even remember I did. Maybe I'll post some of it up. I still have the bracelet tag when I was hospitalized in 2008. The receipt for the 22 doughnuts. The pamphlet and the ONE red glove from Bromo, which was my first road trip with friends.

But above all,
I still have your letters...:)

February 2, 2011

I'm a Lil Bit Country, You're a Lil Bit Rock and Roll.

Even if you have the right ingredients to make a perfect cake, it does not necessarily mean that you gonna have, a perfect cake.

You can have everything that you need under the sun, with the right amount of it too.

You can have the finest flour from Florence, you're comfortable, you can have the freshest eggs right out of a Kansas farm, you're always together, you can have the darkest chocolate from Belgium, you share the sweetest moments, and yet that does not mean that you have got it.

That is just not enough. You need something to hold it all together. You need a recipe, you need chemistry, and most importantly you need a little something called destiny.

Without that,
you'd just be two separate individuals,
with the complete ingredient,
to make a perfect couple.