April 5, 2010

More Than Words.

do you know the study of handwriting is called Graphology?
i wonder if there's a study for text messaging.
because i think, like handwriting, we can recognise people from the way they text too.
everyone has their own special way of texting.
like how one has a signature smell. you know, when u smell something, a perfume maybe, then u automatically think of that person because that person always smells like that. dont worry, i too dont see how this statement is relevant in this context.
anyway as i was saying, special way of texting:
  • some put a string of dots at the end of each sentences...........
  • some end their sentences with exclamation marks! and its not because they're mad.
  • some have a unique way of spelling certain words like, nebes = nervous
  • some add on emoticons, for ym-freaks especially :)) :-" <:-P :-*. guilty as charged.
  • some type down full sentences, with proper spelling, ie my dad.
  • some use shortforms for everyyyy word, and it'll be like a riddle or a code that you have to decipher to know what they actually meant.
  • some add ^^ to their text, or haihh or wuhooo

so u see, i think FBI or CSI should have a special team dedicated for text messaging. or maybe they already do. i have no idea why i'm writing about this. maybe it's to avoid the bigger problem i have in hand which i refuse to face, at least not yet, not now. if i can only shout out one question to the world, it would be "why????". but i know and and i still believe that everything happens for a reason. I just have to wait, very patiently, for the reason.

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