December 29, 2010

Thank You.

i love reading most of the status on facebook today:) we are all so very happy that we won the football cup thingy. it is so nice to see that finally we all agree on the same thing. we are all supporting for just one team. for once we put aside our political differences, our beliefs, our race and just focus on one beautiful thing, our country.

seriously u wont know how patriotic u are until ure staying away from home.

special thanks to our national football team for winning this for us and bringing us all closer together. God knows we needed it :-*

1 comment:

  1. Farinnnnnnnnnn..
    Awak kat Indon kannnn... Mesti awak sangat trase patriotiikkk kannn..
    saya xpernah rasa bangga camne.
    Even saya ni bukan peminat bola, tapi masa nak p kije, after Harimau Malaya ni menang, semua station cite pasal rasa bangga dengan skuad ni. N derang nyanyi lagu negaraku.Membuatkan saya bergenang air mata. Semangat Malaysia!!

    Tahniah! :)
    Meh la balik Msia :)
