March 31, 2011

Save The Last Dance For Me.

Tiba-tiba tringat this one korean or japanese series i watched a couple of years back. It was about this girl who has a crush on this boy, and she pretended to be a boy just to get herself into that all boys school the guy was in. Eventually another guy fell for this girl (typical i know) and there's this one scene the girl was crying because the boy she likes hurt her feelings (i know, i know) and the guy who likes her saw this (obviously right) and quietly hugged her with a "ces lelaki macam tu jugak yang ko nak, aku kan ada" look on his face and lastly he said macho-ly to her,

"Depend on me. I dont care who you love, i love you. Just depend on me."



  1. hahaha! same old same old. tp pmpn tu still nak kat laki yg x layan die tu kan? haihhhh... nape la x grab je 2nd best man? cuz they're second best man...

  2. hehe tu laaa, yg susah nak dapat jgk la yg dia nak kannn, girlss *pfft* hehe
