September 3, 2009


"Awfull happens all the time, try not to let it kill you."
-Jason Mraz-

memang byk kelebihannya kalau study kat Indonesia ni. patutla JPA hantar kat sini.

x penah2 merasa ribut taufan, we experienced it last year.

x penah2 dapat Hepatitis A smpai masuk hospital, half the batch got it from here some time back.

x penah2 rasa earthquake, semalam dah rasa. we were having skillslab, and then suddenly the doctor looked alarm, pointing towards the moving curtains. we didnt get it at first. but then the room shook, and that was when everyone started panicking and ran out of the building. apparently it was a huge one. but luckily our area was not that affected.

x penah2 kena halau balik, few days back ada demonstration by Indonesian students from whatever hell faculty ntah, telling us to pack our bags and head home, in a very not polite way ofcourse. I'd be more than happy to oblige but why should we give in to these so called lameass protesters anyway. they just have too much free time on their hands i guess. baik sorang come and help me do proposal for my thesis :D

i don't really care much about this before, but when you're away from your homeland, you automatically become sensitive to what people is saying about your country. You somehow become defensive, patriotic, protective...

i don't understand why they're making a big deal out of what tarian belongs to who, who stole what culture, or what crap. how can you even claim culture? why don't they use the time to think about world peace instead. for heaven's sake, we're all living temporarily on God's land, why can't we just get along? Gosh grow up ppl! Can't you tell I'm this close to losing it?

i can do this. i can do this. i can do this.

sikittttttttt lagi, dah nak balik, bersabarlah.

Ebony And Ivory
song by Paul McCartney
We all know
That people are the same wherever you go
There is good and bad in everyone
We learn to live, we learn to give each other
What we need to survive
Together alive.
Ebony and Ivory
Live together in perfect harmony,
Side by side on my piano keyboard,
Oh Lord, why don't we?


  1. *sending superman to the res-q!* (masih superman lagi ke?)=S *update.update*

  2. hehehe superman x smpai2 punnnnnnnn :P i have sooo many things to update u dear, jap tgg i dh nk blk dh in a week! nnt i'll update u k! :-*
