January 3, 2010

Fools Rush In.

so i told someone about my life. well, part of it at least. the part that hurts the most. and here's what she had to say.

1. your problem is that u keep falling for the same damn type of guy. surprise2, you'll end up having the same damn outcome..

2. you tend to care (read: love) too much about people. people who is not even yours to begin with.

3. you fall too fast. you give in too easily.


is this what people think of me. 0_0

so anyway i decided to start my year being different. coincidentally, someone (read: someone who is not mine to begin with) is sick right now, he's just a friend (but i fall too fast remember, so i have to be cautious). i'm practically sitting on my hands to keep from messaging the poor sick guy. i already did just now, but i just wonder if he already took his meds and worried if he's still not okei. but then that's caring too much, no? and so i'm not gonna. but i feel sooooo...hmmm, weird inside? why do i feel weird inside? does it supposed to feel weird? maybe it's one of those "it's gonna hurt bad before it gets better" situation?

then i began to think that maybe, just maybe, i am destined to be the fool who cares too much. that's just who i am. that's the role that i have to play in life. if i stop being that, well then,

who am i?

1 comment:

  1. tak kesahla pe depa pikir psl ko...yg penting, ko hepi..bile ko hepi, then aku pun hepi..hehehehe...
