ooo snappp, my holidays are coming to an end :-ss
guess time really flies when you're having fun huh...
seems like it was only yesterday we were fighting with the immigration officer to let us come back home =))
aishhh i dont wanna leave just yet!
well partly because i still havent done ( i mean eat) a lot of things lagi...
and partly also because i dont want and most certainly not ready yet to face the reality that is waiting for me in Jogja...
will things go back to normal?
or will you stick to your words?
macam ayat dekat cover novel or a tagline for some stupid drama plak. well then, nantikan jawapannya next week, same time, same day =))
haihhh why must all good things come to an end?
July 26, 2009
July 21, 2009
Feeling Good.
"Don't kiss and hug me, And then try to run..."
That part of a song came to mind suddenly :))
Anyway, I had the craziest weekend! I did things I never even dream of doing! (okei fine, maybe i have dreamt about it ;) ) but I seriously never thought I would actually even come close enough to actually doing it. But you know, with the right kind of person, and with a little bit of persuasion, I gave in. and so we DID it! Yes we did! Can you believe it? After so many years... I have encounter this situation before, 2 times actually. but i always chickened out last minute. I was too afraid. Anyway this time I decided to go allll the way through. I will never ever forget how my knees tremble when I was on top. How nervous i was in the beginning. How my heart was pounding in my chest. How I held on tight and never want to let go. The exhilarating feeling. The adrenaline rush. The screaming. The sweat. The heat of it all. It was the most memorable moment of my 22 years of life, and I'm glad I took my chances and did it....with you two. Yes, I finally had the courage to go on the 360degrees turn roller coaster with jimah and zul :D (what were you thinking? /:) ) hahaha, Me and jimah and zul went to sunway lagoon last Monday, and they practically begged me to go on the roller coaster ride! hehe, serious scary!! i was so sure that i don't wanna go at first, but after the reassurance they gave me, "tgk mak2 arab tu naek xde apa punn" haha ces bedeb, fineee so i agreed and glad it was over ;)
anyway we had a really great time. laughing and lepak-ing on the and i quote "the longest suspension bridge" dengan harapan our baju yg basah after going on the flume ride tu would kering dengan berjemur kat situ :D it was funneh :-J
This is basically how full my schedule was last weekend :
Thursday (16/07) :
Night - took a train to KL
Friday (17/07) :
Dawn - arrived at KL sentral.
Morning - Met my bestfriends from Badlishah, Syahida and Jue, at Midvalley.
Afternoon - Met my bestfriend in Jasin, Shimmmmm comel, at Times Square. Saw Ice Age 3.
Night - Went through all the mels & the trouble to go all the way to MidValley to get stood up.
Saturday (18/07) :
Off to Jasin, Melaka for a career guidance programme.
Sunday (19/07) :
Came back from Jasin, and arrived home at 1am. one word, TIRING.
Monday (20/07) :
Morning - in bed.
Afternoon - Subang Parade & Sunway Lagoon
Night - Watched Public Enemies with Jimah in Sunway Pyramid.
Tuesday (21/07)
Morning - Went to Shah Alam for awhile.
Afternoon - waited for 4 hours for my bus to Kulim.
Night - Arrived.
And here are some of the pictures :)
sorry x reti susun gambar :D
nway, overall, i love it all, it was a weekend well spent :)
July 11, 2009
The Climb.
"There's always gonna be another mountain,
I'm always gonna wanna make it move,
Always gonna be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side,
It's the climb."
I'm always gonna wanna make it move,
Always gonna be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side,
It's the climb."
I can't believe i finally agreed to go watch Hannah Montana The Movie. I can't believe I actually PAID to see the movie. haha, after Ammani practically begged me to go see, i went with Firas, andddddd surprisingly, it was good. It's the kind of movie which will give you a nice and warm feeling in the end. The songs are nice too. And to compare Hannah Montana Banana Boat ni dgn Lizzie McGuire, this girl at least has a backbone. She's got some personality, cute and kinda cool too B-)
Trying to take a picture of the 3 of us...and rather fail i guess. hehe
Now playing: Miley Cyrus - The Climb (Pop Mix)
via FoxyTunes
July 8, 2009
I'd Love You To Want Me.

that was realllllly cooooool :)
i wantttttttttt 8->
haihh x aci eh...fineeee :P
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Now playing: lobo - i'd love you to want me
via FoxyTunes
July 7, 2009
Taking Chances.
This is all rather new to me...
I've never done this before...
It's weird, i agree, but a nice kind of weird..
The kind of weird that brings a smile to my face :)
I don't know what i'm getting myself into though...
Maybe, i'm just repeating my mistakes, maybe, I'm being naive again...
I hope you know that i'm not usually this brave with people...
Honestly, i don't really care right now...because for once, I've got nothing to lose...
For once, I'm just gonna jump in, and have fun, and couldn't care less about anything...:)
Let's just see where this road we are taking leads us too...coz whatever the destination we're gonna end up at, I'm sure I'll enjoy the journey, and that's what matters the most :)
I've never done this before...
It's weird, i agree, but a nice kind of weird..
The kind of weird that brings a smile to my face :)
I don't know what i'm getting myself into though...
Maybe, i'm just repeating my mistakes, maybe, I'm being naive again...
I hope you know that i'm not usually this brave with people...
Honestly, i don't really care right now...because for once, I've got nothing to lose...
For once, I'm just gonna jump in, and have fun, and couldn't care less about anything...:)
Let's just see where this road we are taking leads us too...coz whatever the destination we're gonna end up at, I'm sure I'll enjoy the journey, and that's what matters the most :)

July 6, 2009
Girls Just Want To Have Fun.
something strange happened today. i almost got what i wanted. hahaha usually its not this easy, please note that i'm using a 5yr old laptop and a 256mb mp3. I AM NOT COMPLAINING. seriously am not. bersyukur dh niiii :-"haha anyway suddenly my dad brought me to the handphone shop to check out the new nokia model 5730. i was shock jap, i mean that was fast, i just told my dad bout it twice kut:)) anyway, it's so cooooooooooool. maybe i'll buy it on my own nnt. i said no to my dad btw. because hp is not my priority right now. i need a new laptop more badly kut. second, an iPod. third, nokia 5730. fourth, a Guess handbag? :-" since it's impossible for me to buy my own laptop, so i'm currently searching for a not so expensive laptop to suggest my dad to get me. the other stuff i can save up myself. like what i did for my Guess watch which i've adored for 2 years ;) and finally got it last 2 months, and i love it :)
July 5, 2009
Too Much, Too Little, Too Late
Khabi2 (ececey, kadang2 i mean) kita berusaha utk menipu diri kita sendiri. (ahaha woww ayat) There are times when we say stuff to people mostly to convince ourselves more than to the people around us. We say that it's the truth and we want to believe it.
For example, when you're dissapointed with someone, then you'll say "Ahh I dont care bout X anymore, why should I when X clearly doesnt care bout me. go to h*ll la" maybe something more subtle or vulgar then that. The people around you might believe it, but you just can't lie to yourself now can u? Ofcourse you care bout X, you still think about X most of the time, you wonder if X is okei, everything reminds you of X, and if X comes around begging you for forgiveness, ofcourse you'll forgive and forget.
Or kadang2 bila someone close to u does things yang hurt your feelings, you'll say like alaaa x payah la nak terasa, it's not like you just knew that person or what not. but the truth is, u're still hurt kan. what they did or didnt do still left a scar to your heart. get what i mean?
what comes out of our mouth is one thing, but what our heart feels is a whole other thing. i always think that the heart has a mind of it's own.
someone close, like your family maybe. you'll think you shouldnt feel hurt, because they're your family. but truth is, tak kira la who, when you're hurt, you're hurt.
or close like a friend yang you would do anything for them. you've done a lot for them actually. you've been there through thick and thin. you'd give anything. you have given them everything. but rasa macam they don't appreciate it. jagala hati dan perasaan orang lain once in awhile. bukannya susah. people does things for you, they've gone the extra mile for you, why don't you do the same for them too? it's not that they expect you to return the favor or anything, but you know, just a little bit effort from you, to show them that you appreciate what they've done, wouldnt hurt kan?
what if it's too late then?
why can't i post something cheerful for a change?
For example, when you're dissapointed with someone, then you'll say "Ahh I dont care bout X anymore, why should I when X clearly doesnt care bout me. go to h*ll la" maybe something more subtle or vulgar then that. The people around you might believe it, but you just can't lie to yourself now can u? Ofcourse you care bout X, you still think about X most of the time, you wonder if X is okei, everything reminds you of X, and if X comes around begging you for forgiveness, ofcourse you'll forgive and forget.
Or kadang2 bila someone close to u does things yang hurt your feelings, you'll say like alaaa x payah la nak terasa, it's not like you just knew that person or what not. but the truth is, u're still hurt kan. what they did or didnt do still left a scar to your heart. get what i mean?
"My head is saying, "Fool, forget him"
My heart is saying, "Don't let go"
- Hopelessly Devoted To You, Olivia Newton John-
My heart is saying, "Don't let go"
- Hopelessly Devoted To You, Olivia Newton John-
what comes out of our mouth is one thing, but what our heart feels is a whole other thing. i always think that the heart has a mind of it's own.
someone close, like your family maybe. you'll think you shouldnt feel hurt, because they're your family. but truth is, tak kira la who, when you're hurt, you're hurt.
or close like a friend yang you would do anything for them. you've done a lot for them actually. you've been there through thick and thin. you'd give anything. you have given them everything. but rasa macam they don't appreciate it. jagala hati dan perasaan orang lain once in awhile. bukannya susah. people does things for you, they've gone the extra mile for you, why don't you do the same for them too? it's not that they expect you to return the favor or anything, but you know, just a little bit effort from you, to show them that you appreciate what they've done, wouldnt hurt kan?
"Is there someone you know, you're loving them so, but taking them all for granted? You may lose them one day, someone takes them away, and they don't hear the words you long to say."
- Everything I Own, Bread -
why do we have to experience loss to know how much it means to us?- Everything I Own, Bread -
what if it's too late then?
why can't i post something cheerful for a change?
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